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Applications now open for Armenia program
Don't miss this unforgettable trip through beautiful Armenia. Visit ancient monasteries and tour unspoiled, breathtaking countryside. Enjoy spectacular views of legendary Mount Ararat and much more. This year's itinerary dips into neighboring Nagorno Karabakh.
​Dates: June 15 – 27, 2018.

Strawberry Fields Forever
It's still possible to register for the 29th annual Strawberry Fields Forever FUNdraiser ride, which will take place this year on Sunday, May 20. Starting fee is $75.
No charge for children under 13, who must be accompanied by a parent. Children must register.
As always, the ride will take place rain or shine, so there will be no refunds.
This event is entirely dependent on our faithful volunteers, who provide all services for the ride, including food, routes, safety, SAG and mechanical support. Join us for this fun and worthwhile effort.

This year's signature Strawberry Fields Forever jerseys and T-shirts are now for sale. Place your order on the registration form.
Cyclists for Cultural Exchange is a non-profit with a purpose:
Furthering peace and international understanding through exchanges among people
with a common interest in cycling.
Strawberry Fields Forever is an annual fundraising event that provides
the resources distributed in support of our mission.

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