Cyclists for Cultural Exchange
About us
Cyclists for Cultural Exchange was established in 2004 with the express purpose of furthering peace and international understanding through exchanges between people with a common interest in cycling.
Mission statement
The primary purpose of this corporation shall be to promote peace, understanding and friendship among peoples around the world through our common interests in cycling. Activities promoting this purpose may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Cyclists for Cultural Exchange
PO Box 3426
Santa Cruz, CA 95063
Cyclists for Cultural Exchange
PO Box 3426
Santa Cruz, CA 95063
Mission statement
Our intention in the time we have together is to discover our differences, find our common ground, experience some of the language, customs, and traditions of the host country, and share our visions, hopes and dreams for cooperation and world peace.
CCE is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization located in Santa Cruz County, California. The organization runs one major fundraising event each year, the Strawberry Fields Forever bike ride, which provides the resources distributed in support of its mission.
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Board of directors
Tim Thomas
Craig Calfee
Scott Wilson
Leo Jed
Vita Pritchard
Would you like to support our mission?
Send a check to:
Cyclists for Cultural Exchange
PO Box 3426
Santa Cruz, CA 95063
Thank you for your generosity for a worthy cause!